A specially crafted workshop for festivals.,this dream realm journey will reveal a coded structure for us all to become our own dream interpreters, the codes that exist when we sleep and dream, and the codes that present when we are walking and awake.
The dreamtime emmerges once more with ancestral and galactic awakened puzzle pieces that form our collective soul path.
Skye Walker is here to gift these codes to her dream wakers and walkers within a 5 step decode structure that places emphasis on feelings, story lines, life arrows, symbols and the grand, application.
Diving Deeper, we explore;
- people in dreams
- universal dream symbols
- nightmares as constructive dreams
- vivid/lucid dreamings
This dream expedition may just take us to the depths of the oceans, to galaxies far, far away and then home, to one as we remember the journey has already begun. We've been in it this whole time. - the dreamtime
Prepare to be inspired, elevated, transported and, delivered home. A dreaming, a remembering, a soul seeked returning.
Skye Walker will meet you there.