Sound frequency activation

Sound is frequency in motion, backed with the intention of activating and healing, these frequencies become amazingly transformative to the human body and energetic presentation.

Light Language & Voice Activation

Light Language is the language of the universe arriving from cosmos to earth to share light codes for the activation of planet earth. It is a soul formed poetry that is devoid of the thinking mind.

This artfrom practices flow and trust to their most capacity as the speaker immerses themsevles in the surrender of this flow, producing effortless fluent frequency that raises the vibration around them.

Skye Walker is of service to the space for anyone feeling called to activate their own individual light language. This is a voice activation portal that provdies 1 on 1 vocal training and soul sound surrender. Sessions begin from weekly/bi-weekly/monthly sessions.

Crystal Bowl Sound Healing

Skye Walker, accompanied with the healing frequencies of crystal quartz sound bowls and live, ethereal vocals, can transcend the body and soul to realms of intimate source. Here, she intentionally works with source downloads and the intention to activate energies, clear blockages and lift overall frequency.

Skye Walker is available for in person, 1 on 1 to group, Sound Frequency Healing sessions in Byron Bay & also online for healing sessions

Book A Session

Book A Session

the intention of healing through sound.

A taste of Skye Walkerโ€™s Sound Healings by Day and by night. Powerful frequencies of crystal bowls guided by the intention of healing. Various downloads reveal themselves through diverse languages.