Decode Your


Welcome to YOUR Dreams. 

We all dream every night, several times a night. Can this be coincidence? Or something more meaningful?

Indeed, they are more than what they seem. The soul speaks to us with our own unique language that reveals an inner compass guiding to our True North.

To innerstand this dream language is to become the master puzzle piecers of all realities as we begin to Dream, awake.

 Skye Walker has dived deep into the dream realms and she has surfaced with a tangible structure of how we can collectively and individually become our own best dream interpreters. 

From festivals to one on one dream decoding, Skye Walker is here of service to the codes of the dream realms. 

Join me on this fascinating journey between the conscious and subconscious. There is so much magic waiting to be uncovered as we dive deep into the intelligence of Dreams and their codes.

Dream Decoder Trifecta

These 3X Dream Sessions will dive into additional Dream clearing and activation work, taking your ability to decode and embody the dream wisdoms to the next level.

One time
For 3 months
  • By going within we can ‘innerstand’ the codes and bring them with is - out

  • The Codes begin to become embodied within our soul blueprint.

    The learnings of these Dream Codes integrate in our communication to ourselves, others and the divine.

    We begin to walk in true alignment with these knowings, growing to be a reflection of who we are, and who we are remembering to be

Voyage with Me

8 Week Dream Container

Desiring To Activate your Soul Path? Dive even deeper here ➸

Dream interpreation


A specially Crafted Workshop for Festivals. Skye Walker takes her audience through the realms in this 90 minute interactive workshop tailored dive deep into the Dream frequency realms.

Paired with Sound Bowl Healing journey and light language channelling this is a workshop that inspires, relaxes and renwes all at the same time.

This Workshop will Cover…

  • What Are Dreams?

  • 5 Step Dream Technique

  • People In Dreams

  • Shared Dream Symbols

  • Nightmares & Frightening Dreams

  • Advanced Dream Analysis

  • Take Home Dream Toolkit

Come and dream with me

Unlock your understanding and insight into your dreams through private and group sessions or learn about dream decoding through downloading the Dream Decoder.


Download the Dream Decode

A beginners guide to start their dreaming process.

This Code includes:

  • What are Dreams

  • Step 1-2 of the Dream Decode Structure

  • Emotions in Dreams

  • Formulating Story Lines


Book A Session

Book A Session